  • 姓 名 :傅颖竹
  • 学 位 :博士
  • 职 称 :讲师
  • 所属部门 :企业管理系
  • 行政职务 :
  • 研究领域 :创业管理
  • 研究方向 :创业决策 创业行为 数字创业
  • 电子邮箱 : 264638787@qq.com




傅颖竹博士,在西班牙IE9778818威尼斯取得博士学位,并在新加坡南洋理工大学完成博士后工作。他的研究专注于机会识别过程中的创业决策和创业行为,以及数字创新创业。研究对象包含独立创业者、公司创业者、以及投资人。论文发表于国际顶尖的创业管理学术期刊,例如Journal of Business Venturing, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Management Studies.



1. Taiyuan Wang, Yingzhu Fu (corresponding), Meng Rui, Julio De Castro, “Catch Up with the Good and Stay Away from the Bad: CEO Decisions on the Appointment of Chief Sustainability Officers” — Journal of Management Studies (2023) (FT50)

2. Yingzhu Fu, Matthias Tietz, Frederic Delmar, “Obsessive passion and the venture team: When co-founders join, and when they don't” — Journal of Business Venturing (2022) (FT50)

3. Yingzhu Fu and Matthias Tietz, “When Do Investors Prefer Copycats? Conditions Influencing the Evaluation of Innovative and Imitative Ventures” — Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (2019) (FT50)

Conference Presentations (selected)

1. 2022 Babson Entrepreneurship Conference (Best Paper): Yingzhu Fu, Marilyn Ang Uy, Waifong Boh*, “Entrepreneurship Training And Self-regulation: The Role Of Feedback-seeking Behavior In Opportunity Identification”

2. 2020 Academy of Management Conference (Best Paper): Yingzhu Fu*, Frederic Delmar, Matthias Tietz, “The Founder’s Obsessive Passion and Co-founders’ Decision to (Not) Join the Team”

3. 2020 Academy of Management Conference: Yingzhu Fu*, Waifong Boh, Qingqing Bi, “Performance Implications of Pursuing Innovations Based on Digital Technologies: Evidence from SMEs”

4. 2018 Academy of Management Conference: Yingzhu Fu*, “‘Let’s Copy it!’: Self-regulation and Entrepreneurs’ Decision on Pursuing Imitation Opportunities”

5. 2017 Babson Entrepreneurship Conference: Yingzhu Fu (invited but did not attend) and Matthias Tietz*, “When Do Investors Prefer Copycats? Conditions Influencing the Evaluation of Innovative and Imitative Ventures”


1. Editorial Review Board member: Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (ETP)

2. Ad Hocreviewer: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ)