  • 姓 名 :郑博雯
  • 学 位 :博士
  • 职 称 :讲师
  • 所属部门 :管理科学与信息管理系
  • 行政职务 :
  • 研究领域 :信息系统用户行为
  • 研究方向 :AI协作价值创造,社交媒体用户参与
  • 电子邮箱 : bowenzheng@csu.edu.cn





2021.4月 至今,9778818威尼斯管理科学与信息管理系,讲师




1. Chen, Wenjing,Zheng, Bowen*,& Liu, Hefu. (2024). How does social media use in the workplace affect employee voice? Uncovering the mediation effects of social identity and contingency role of job-social media fit.Internet Research. (ABS 3),Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

2. Bowen Zheng, Xiaodie Pu, Alain Yee Loong Chong & Zhao Cai (2024) How to Support Health Care Professionals in Emergencies, Journal of Computer Information Systems, DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2024.2304558

3. Li, Yang, Zhenghua Gan, and Bowen Zheng*. "How do Artificial Intelligence Chatbots Affect Customer Purchase? Uncovering the Dual Pathways of Anthropomorphism on Service Evaluation."Information Systems Frontiers(2023): 1-18. (ABS 3)

4. Li, Yang, Kai Zhang, and Bowen Zheng*, 2023, "Is In-store Mobile Usage a Toxic to Customer Purchase? A Multigroup Analysis of Customer Type." Electronic Commerce Research and Applications : 101306. (ABS 2)

5.于孟利,沈文瀚,郑博雯*,社交媒体用户信息删除行为的动因研究——以微信朋友圈为例,信息资源管理学报,2023, 13(4): 84-95,121.(CSSCI

6. Bowen Zheng; Robert. M. Davison*, 2022, “Hybrid social media use and Guanxi types: How do employees use social media in the Chinese workplace?”, Information & Management, 59(04), 103643. (ABS 3)

7. Xiangyu Liu; Bowen Zheng*; Hefu Liu, 2021, “Understanding the social media interactivity paradox: The effects of social media interactivity on communication quality, work interruptions and job performance”, Information Technology & People, 35(7), 1805-1828. (ABS 3)

8.Juan Wang; Bowen Zheng*; Hefu Liu, 2021, “Satisfying consumers all around: A multidisciplinary view of omnichannel retail”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(01),158-171. (ABS 2)

9.Lifan Chen; Bowen Zheng*; Hefu Liu; Manting Deng, 2020, “The three-way interaction effect of social media usage, perceived task interdependence, and perceived participative leadership on employee creativity”, Internet Research, 31(02),457-478. (ABS 3)

10. Junkai Wang; Bowen Zheng*; Hefu Liu; and Lingling Yu, 2020, “A two-factor theoretical model of social media discontinuance: Role of regret, inertia, and their antecedents”, Information Technology & People, 34(01),1-24. (ABS 3)

11.王熙*;佟星;郑博雯,朱渝珊,谭天一,曾钰琪,李惠,2020,“在线健康社区中用户社会支持交换行为的跨文化比较研究”,管理科学, 33(1):16-29。(CSSCI)

12. Ruizhi Li, Qian Huang*, Xiayu Chen, Bowen Zheng, & Hefu Liu, 2019, Factors affecting smart community service adoption intention: affective community commitment and motivation theory. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-13. (ABS 2

13. Bowen Zheng, Hefu Liu*, Robert. M. Davison, 2018, “Exploring the relationship between corporate reputation and the public's crisis communication on social media”, Public Relations Review, 44(1), 56-64. (JCR Q2)


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,72401298,生成式AI助理与员工协作的价值创造机制研究,2025/01-2027/12,主持

2. 湖南省自然科学基金,2022JJ40655,企业社交媒体矩阵模式及其对消费者营销参与的影响机制研究,2022/01-2024/12,主持


1. CSWIM 2023- Publication Co-Chairs;

2. CSWIM 2022-Publication Co-Chairs;

3. ECIS 2023-Track Associate Editor;

4. PACIS 2023-Track Associate Editor;

5. 长期担任Internet Research、Information & Management、 Information Technology and People、Electronic Commerce Research and Applications等SSCI期刊审稿人。