  • 姓 名 :王杨欣
  • 学 位 :博士
  • 职 称 :讲师
  • 所属部门 :企业管理系
  • 行政职务 :
  • 研究领域 :组织行为学、人力资源管理
  • 研究方向 :工作身份、工作拖延、领导力、工作设计
  • 电子邮箱 : yangxinwang@csu.edu.cn






(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 72302235, 工作拖延行为的前因机制、动态双向作用与人际影响:基于情绪、压力与道德视角, 30万元, 在研, 主持

(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,72471246,多源缺陷信息驱动的汽车召回预警及应对策略研究,41万,在研,参与



(1) Yangxin Wang, Hong Zhang, & Zhen Wang*. My job characteristics make me procrastinate or not: An emotional perspective. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (ABS-4).

(2) Yangxin Wang*, Dora C. Lau, & Youngsang Kim. Accentuating the positive: How and when occupational identity threat leads to job crafting and positive outcomes. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (ABS-4).

(3) Yangxin Wang*, Dora C. Lau, & Youngsang Kim. Are Multiple-Identity Holders More Creative? The Roles of Ambivalence and Mindfulness. Journal of Business and Psychology (ABS-3). 

(4) Yangxin Wang* & Dora C. Lau. How and why job crafting influences creative performance? A resource allocation explanation of the curvilinear moderated relations. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS-3). 

(5) Yangxin Wang, Youngsang Kim*, & Dora C. Lau. Creative identity asymmetry: When and how it impacts psychological strain and creative performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS-3). 

(6) Eun-Ji Oh, Youngsang Kim*, & Yangxin Wang. The Influence of Founder CEO’s Human Capital Resources on the Relationship Between Workforce Gender Diversity and Venture Firm Performance. Journal of Business Ethics (FT50).


(1) Yangxin Wang & Wang, Z*. The impact of servant leadership on employee job insecurity and outcomes: The moderating role of perceived competition. 在国际顶级管理学学术年会(美国管理学学术年会/AOM)上宣讲

(2) Yangxin Wang*., & Lau, D. C. Losing While Gaining: A COR Perspective of Organizational and Occupational Identifications. 在国际顶级管理学学术年会(美国管理学学术年会/AOM)上宣讲

(3) Yangxin Wang*, Lau, D. C., & Kim, Y. How and when occupational identity threat leads to job crafting and positive outcomes. 在国际顶级管理学学术年会(美国管理学学术年会/AOM)上宣讲,并获得组织行为学板块最佳论文奖(前10%)

(4) Yangxin Wang*, Lau, D. C., & Kim, Y. Do multiple identities holders create more? The role of ambivalence and mindfulness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, online. 国际顶级管理学学术年会(美国管理学学术年会/AOM)上宣讲

(5) Yangxin Wang*. Resource unavailable to create: the curvilinear effect of job crafting on creativity. 在中国顶级管理学学术年会(中国管理研究国际学会双年会/IACMR)上宣讲

(6) Yangxin Wang.* Creative identity asymmetry: When and how it impacts psychological strain and creative performance. Paper presented at the biennial IACMR conference, online. 在中国顶级管理学学术年会(中国管理研究国际学会双年会/IACMR)上宣讲


(1) 美国管理学学术年会组织行为学板块最佳论文奖(前10%)

(2) 香港中文大学9778818威尼斯博士生研究成果金奖(唯一)