  • 姓 名 :王雄
  • 学 位 :博士
  • 职 称 :副教授
  • 所属部门 :金融学系
  • 行政职务 :金融系主任
  • 研究领域 :数字经济;区域经济 ;金融科技
  • 研究方向 :1、数字金融; 2、区域协调发展;3、数据要素市场化配置; 4、量化金融
  • 电子邮箱 : wx2011@csu.edu.cn;wxedu2006@126.com




1.王雄,博士,副教授,博士研究生导师、硕士研究生导师。9778818威尼斯教授委员会委员。美国 Florida State University(FSU)访问学者。 2014年入选9778818威尼斯“升华育英”人才计划;2013年入选9778818威尼斯“531”人才队伍建设工程第三层次人才计划;主要从事数字金融、区域协调发展、数据要素市场化配置、公司金融、量化金融与金融科技领域的教学与研究工作。  


3.近年来,在《中国工业经济》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《International Review of Financial Analysis》(ABS三星,JCR 1区)、《Energy Economics》(ABS三星,JCR 1区)、《Financial Research Letters》(ABS二星,JCR 1区)、《International Review of Economics and Finance》(ABS二星)、《Applied Economics》(ABS二星)等国内外核心期刊公开发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI/SSCI/ EI/CSSCI/CSCD收录、检索50余篇。担任《International Journal of Finance and Economics》、《International Review of Financial Analysis》、《Energy Economics》、《North American Journal of Economics and Finance》等国际知名刊物匿名审稿人。



[1]数字普惠金融对居民消费的空间溢出效应研究[J].系统工程理论与实践,2022,42(7):1770-1781. (中文A类期刊)


[3]人民币汇率的可预测性与预测因子选择[J].系统工程理论与实践,2021,41(11):2822-2836.(EI & CSSCI & CSCD)(中文A类期刊)


[5] Economic policy uncertainty and dynamic correlations in energy markets: Assessment and solutions[J]. Energy Economics, 2023, 117, 106475.JCR 1, ABS三星)

[6] Can financial inclusion affect energy poverty in China? Evidence from a spatial econometric analysis, International Review of Economics and Finance (2023), doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iref.2023.01.020.JCR 2区,ABS二星)

[7]Can digital financial inclusion affect CO2 emissions of China at the prefecture level? Evidence from a spatial econometric approach[J]. Energy Economics,2022,109,105966.JCR 1区,ABS三星) (高被引论文)

[8]Asymmetric causality of economic policy uncertainty and oil volatility index on time-varying nexus of the clean energy, carbon and green bond[J]. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2022, 83, 102306.JCR 1区,ABS三星)(高被引论文)

[9]The Impact of Digital Inclusive Finance on the Spatial Convergence of the Green Total Factor Productivity in the Chinese Cities[J]. Applied Economics, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846. 2022.2131721JCR 2区,ABS二星)

[10]Measuring the effects of monetary and fiscal policy shocks on domestic investment in China[J].International Review of Economics and Finance,2022, 77, pp. 395–412.JCR 2区,ABS二星)

[11]Exploring the bidirectional causality between green markets and economic policy: evidence from the time-varying Granger test[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 2022,29(58): 88131-88146. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11356-022-21685-x.JCR 2区,SCI/SSCI

[12]Multilayer financial networks and systemic importance: Evidence from China[J].International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, 78, 101882.JCR 1区,ABS三星)

[13]Dynamic volatility spillovers and investment strategies between the Chinese stock market and commodity markets[J].International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, 76, 101772.JCR 1区,ABS三星)

[14]Dynamic volatility spillovers across oil and natural gas futures markets based on a time-varying spillover method[J].International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, 76, 101790.JCR 1区,ABS三星) (高被引论文)

[15]The role of US implied volatility index in forecasting Chinese stock market volatility: Evidence from HAR models[J].International Review of Economics and Finance, 2021, 74, pp. 311–333.JCR 2区,ABS二星)

[16]The contrarian strategy of institutional investors in Chinese stock market[J].Finance Research Letters, 2021, 41, 101845.JCR 1区,ABS二星)

[17]Interaction among China carbon emission trading markets: Nonlinear Granger causality and time-varying effect[J].Energy Economics, 2020, 91, 104901.JCR 1区,ABS三星)


