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The Cooperation and Exchange Meeting between Business School of Tilburg University and Our School Is Held Successfully

Time:2014-04-21 View:

At 9 a.m, April 4, 2014, the Business School of Tilburg University and our school discussed the cooperation issues in the Administration Building 220. Dean Prof. Kees Koedijk锛孌r.Yijing Wang, and Jacques van Vliet, the Tilburg University’s Responsible Person Of Academic Exchange in China, as well as Zhenhua HU, the Party Secretary of Business School of CSU, Ying ZHANG, the Vice-dean, Yongqing XIONG, the Vice-dean, Yanping GONG, the Vice-dean, Lihong ZOU, the Deputy Director of International Exchange Office, and Ping WEI, the Assistant Dean and Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Office all attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, leaders of our school have extended a warm welcome to all the international friends from afar, and briefly introduced each other. And then, Prof. Ping WEI made a brief introduction about the Business School of CSU. After mutual understanding, all the attendees exchanged their views about the cooperation in aspects of academic research and teaching between two universities.

With the introduction made by Kees, we have learned about the long history of TiasNimbas Business School of Tilburg University. Giving priority to academic research, this university has over 4000 students. With three years’ cooperation experience with Chinese universities, it has cooperation programs with Renmin University of China, Central University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Sun Yat-sen University, and now it is looking for some long-term partners in western areas.

At the meeting, Zhenhua HU, the Party Secretary, said that he had certain understanding of Tilburg University, and looked forward to a cooperation relationship with them in aspects of business administration, especially on the issues of MBA courses and jointly cultivating PhD students, because our school had solid foundation, excellent faculties, and a large number of students in MBA. In terms of research cooperation, he expected that professors of both universities could exchange their experience more, and publish articles together. Secretary Hu also said that our school had strength in management disciplines, and did well in Finance, so he expected both universities could do some academic researches in these two aspects together.

This meeting lasted over two hours, both sides exchanged views on many issues, and reached a consensus on some issues, including whether the full-time doctor could obtain dual degree after being jointly trained in both universities, cooperation projects of both sides, enterprise social responsibility and sustainable development, ect. Both sides agreed to build the International module into a fixed module, and on this basis, two universities could know more about each other and then establish a permanent long-term relationship. At the end of the meeting, Secretary Hu said, it was a win-win choice to build relationships with different universities. Finally, all the attendees took a group photo.