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The Fourth Business Forum---Quantitative Investment Strategy and Its Practice in Chinese Stock Market

Time:2014-11-13 View:

In the afternoon of November 10, Xueyong ZHANG, an Associate Professor, the Vice-Dean of the Institute of Finance of Central University of Finance and Economics, and the doctoral supervisor came to visit the Business Forum of our school. On the subject of Quantitative Investment Strategy and Its Practice in Chinese Stock Market, he shared his research results and views of capital market. Over ten teachers including Ping WEI, a Associate Professor and Assistant of the Dean of Business School, Prof. Genming ZHANG, The Head of Finance and Investment Department, Hu SHENG, the associated head of Finance Department, and more than 70 postgraduates came to attend the Forum, which was hosted by Chao DENG, the Head of Finance Department.

Xueyong ZHANG, the Associate Professor, is devoting himself to researching subjects of Performance Evaluation of Mutual Fund and Hedge-Fund, Strategy Analysis, the Construction of Quantitative Investment Strategy and Data Back Testing, etc. He has also published more than ten papers on such important periodicals as “China Journal of Accounting Research”, “Economic Research”, “Journal of Financial Research”, etc, and he was selected into the member of Support Program for New Century Excellent Talents Cultivation of the Ministry of Education in 2011.

Starting with The asset management industry in developed markets, Prof. Zhang introduced the market size and earnings of American mutual funds with some vivid pictures, and let students have a preliminary understanding of the capital market of developed countries. And then, he introduced the development history of asset management industry in our country in recent years, and some famous domestic companies of public funds. By his theoretical verification in academic worlds and the empirical verification on the A share market of such four concepts as private equity, momentum strategy, value strategy, pairs trading, event driven, students found that Prof. Zhang had a serious attitude towards academic research. In the light of his own experience, Prof. Zhang sincerely encouraged students to devote themselves to doing the real finance research, accumulating knowledge, and cultivating serious attitude towards studying and scientific research.

At the end of lecture, students actively asked lots of questions, and Prof. Zhang carefully answered them, which earned him loud applause. Through listening to this lecture, students not only learned some theoretical knowledge about Quantitative Investment Strategy, but also knew its importance in Chinese stock market. This lecture offers a few more ideas for students’ career directions in the future.