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Sophomores of Business School Hold a Badminton Match---how Your Vigor?

Time:2014-12-15 View:

On the afternoon of December 6, a badminton match is held by sophomores of Business School in the Badminton Stadium of Mining and Metallurgy Institute successfully. This match has lasted for over one month, from preparing, planning to its holding. At last, class 1301 of E-commerce Major won in women's doubles, class 1301 of Accounting Major won in men’s doubles, and class 1301 of Finance Major won in mixed doubles.

All the classes of sophomores in Business School have participated in this match, with more than 120 students of 16 classes. It makes a wide influence on students, and evokes a warm response.

The badminton match of Business School aims to enrich students’ outdoor life, raise their awareness of doing physical exercises, and encourage them to enjoy the fun of sports. This match includes three events of women’s doubles, men’s doubles and mixed doubles. In the preliminary contest held in Pin-Pong and Badminton Stadium of South Campus, 16 teams competed in pairs. As soon as they finished every match, Students would take class photos to record this wonderful moment of their college life.

Semi-finals and finals were held in the Badminton Stadium of Mining and Metallurgy Institute of South Campus. According to the formal rules of a match, they adopted twenty one-point scale, and best-of-three, which made this match more formal and fiercer, while presented more wonderful games for teachers and students. Two counselors of sophomores, whose names are Yuan LI, and Minzhi TAN also came to watch the match and even participated in it.

3 hours later, the match came to the end with applauses. After the match, HaoWANG, the counselor, issued certificates for the champion, the runner-up, and the second runner-up. At the same time, he also gave a pair of badminton rackets for every class which wins the game, and bestowed scholarship for the champion and the runner-up. And then, Grade Group gave souvenir photographs to every student and counselor who participated in the game

It is said that Business School always attaches importance to holding Recreational Activities, and develops the prevailing custom of doing exercise for one hour a day. The sunshine sports organized by the Youth League Committee are also held successfully.

The results of this Badminton Match of Business School are as following:

Women’s Doubles:

Champion: class 1301 of E-Commerce Major;

Runner-up: class 1301 of International Trade Major;

Second runner-up: class 1302 of Information Management Major, class 1301 of Accounting Major

Men’s Doubles:

Champion: class 1301 of Accounting Major;

Runner-up: class 1301 of International Trade Major;

Second Runner-up: class 1301 of Finance Major, class 1301 of E-commerce Major

The Mixed Doubles:

Champion: class 1301 of Finance Major

Runner-up: class 1302 of Accounting Major

Second Runner-up: class 1301 of E-commerce Major; class 1302 of Finance& Accounting Major