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Successfully Completed: the International Qualification Assessment of the Doctor (Master) Degree Program in Management Science and Engineering in the Business School of Central South University

Time:2018-06-19 View:

On June 5, 2018, the international qualification assessment meeting for the doctor (master) degree program of Business School of Central South University was held successfully in the third conference room of the Science and Education Building of Central South University.


According to the requirement and arrangement of the notification (Degree [2014] No. 4) of the State Council and the Ministry of Education on the issuance of the Measures for Qualification Assessment of Degree Authorization Stations and the Work Plan for Qualification Assessment of Degree Authorization Stations of Central South University (Document No. 10 of CSU [2015]), on the basis of reviewing relevant materials in advance, Professor Kok Lay Teo from Australian Curtin University, Professor Arkalgud Ramaprasad from the University of Illinois, Professor Hamido FUJITA from Japan Iwate State University, Professor Xin Chen from the Champaign branch school of University of Illinois, Professor DongLing Xu from the University of Manchester, Professor Ali Emrouznejad from British Aston University and Associate Professor Christopher M. Bell from Canada York University visited Central South University for on-site evaluation.



The evaluation meeting was chaired by Professor Gong Yanping, dean of the Business School. At the beginning of the meeting, Professor Gong, on behalf of the Business School, extended a warm welcome and thanks to the seven experts. Vice President Zhu Xuehong of Central South University delivered the welcome speech. On behalf of Central South University, she first expressed her warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to foreign experts coming from afar. Then she introduced the history of the Central South University and the discipline categories of the university, and explained that the discipline of "management science and engineering" receiving international evaluation is a dominant subject of our school. Finally, she hoped that the experts will evaluate with international concepts, vision and standards, and gave more valuable suggestions. Li Jie, dean of the graduate school, presented the appointment letter and announced the members of the assessment team headed by Professor Kok Lay Teo. Professor Liu Yongmei gave a detailed report on the construction of the Management Science and Engineering degree authorization station.




After the experts listened to the conference report, they had a full communication and discussion with the school and college leaders, and the expert panel inspected the teaching and research site, visited the new campus of Central South University and the construction of the new business building. The teacher representative meeting and the graduate representative meeting were held respectively, and the supporting materials were carefully reviewed.


After extensive and careful investigation, the expert panel finally gave a "qualified" assessment to the doctor (master) degree authorization station of Management Science and Engineering in the evaluation report. According to the expert panel, the first-level doctor and master degree authorization station of Management Science and Engineering of Central South University meet the standard requirements of subject development goals in terms of course setting, scientific research training and paper writing. In the aspect of faculty team construction, the academic talent team is reasonable, and the promotion mechanism is scientific. In terms of scientific research, a number of strong supporting platforms have been established, and a large number of research projects have been carried out, which have achieved a series of high-level research results and made outstanding contributions to national and regional economic development. At the same time, the panel group recommended that the school build more communication channels with students, the research outcome of teachers and students can better solve practical management problems, strengthen the introduction of excellent doctoral teachers from overseas/Hong Kong and other well-known universities, and encourage doctoral candidates to publish more papers at top journals in their fields.



After the summary of experts’ feedback, Professor Gong Yanping delivered a thanks speech, and Jiang Jianxiang, deputy secretary of the party committee of Central South University gave a conclusion speech. He first thanked the expert panel for their recognition of the achievements of the construction of management science and engineering discipline in our university, and said that our university will continue to carry forward its advantages and push the conferment of management science and engineering master degree to a new level. He said that in the process of investigation and communication, the experts have put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions to our university, which is of enlightening significance and improving the work of graduate training in our university. At the same time, the expert panel is expected to have more cooperation and interaction with our university in the future, to provide more help and guidance for our university.