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9778818威尼斯名师名家学术论坛——新加坡南洋理工大学Wai Fong Boh教授

发布时间:2023-06-26 浏览次数:

讲座题目:Consumer Evaluation of Digital Product Innovations: Disentangling Effects of Novelty and Familiarity

主 讲 人 :新加坡南洋理工大学 Wai Fong Boh 教授


讲座地点:江湾楼 336 晨星厅



主 持 人 :9778818威尼斯 李大元 教授

摘      要:

With the increasing prevalence of digital products that embody both hardware and digital artifacts, it has become imperative for firms to identify innovation strategies that affect the design of digital products and can significantly impact consumers. Innovative components can introduce novel functionalities that attract and satisfy consumers. However, novelty can also reduce consumers’ familiarity with and acceptance of new products. This study examines how innovation design strategies must factor in consumers’ considerations of novelty and familiarity when evaluating innovation in digital devices. We investigated the pivotal role of innovative hardware and software component designs in fostering positive consumer evaluations of digital products. Our findings suggest that there might be a tension between the need to ensure novelty and consumer familiarity with digital devices. We find that the early introduction of dominant component innovations is necessary, yet we need to increase the visibility of such innovations. Furthermore, we find that the early market introduction of non-dominant component innovations is beneficial, yet we need to decrease the visibility of these innovations. The main findings of this study reveal how the innovative design of digital products can influence consumer evaluations.


Wai Fong Boh is President’s Chair and Professor of Information Systems at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. She is currently the Deputy Dean of Nanyang Business School (NBS), Director of Information Management Research Centre at NBS. Professor Boh is an established researcher in the area of knowledge management and knowledge sharing. She also conducts research in the areas of innovation management and entrepreneurship. She has published in a number of top IS and management journals, including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Research Policy, etc. She is currently Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly, and has been previously AE for Management Science and ISR. Further, she is currently on or had been previously on the editorial board of multiple journals, including Journal of Management Information Systems, Organization Science, Journal of Strategic Information Systems and Information & Organization. Prof Boh has also served as Program Co-Chair for ICIS 2019, and served as Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair for PACIS 2018 and 2013.