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发布时间:2021-12-21 浏览次数:



腾讯会议:759 558 919

9778818威尼斯经管学术论坛第178——德国WHU-Otto Beisheim管理学院王媚教授

主题1: University Time Preference: An International Data Set

报告人:德国WHU-Otto Beisheim管理学院 王媚 教授


王媚教授,德国WHU-Otto Beisheim管理学院教授。主要研究兴趣为行为金融。研究论文发表于Management Science, Quantitative Finance, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty等期刊现为Finance Research Letters副主编Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance编委会成员American Economic Review, Management Science, Journal of Banking and Finance, Review of Finance等期刊审稿人。


Time preferences are central to human decision making; therefore, a thorough understanding of their international differences is highly relevant. Previous measurements, however, vary widely in their methodology, from questions answered on the Likert scale to lottery-type questions. We show that these different measurements correlate to a large degree and that they have a common factor that can predict a broad spectrum of variables: the countries’ credit ratings, gasoline prices (as a proxy for environmental protection), equity risk premiums, and average years of school attendance. The resulting data on this time preference factor for N = 117 countries and regions will be highly useful for further research. Our aggregation method is applicable to merge cross-cultural studies that measure the same latent construct with different methodologies.

主题2When Investors Can Talk to Firms, Is It a Meaningful Conversation? Evidence From Investor Postings on Interactive Platforms

报告人:重庆大学 郭世俊 助理教授


郭世俊博士,重庆大学经济与工商管理学院助理教授。博士毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰大学,主要研究方向为信息披露、公司治理、媒体报道等,其论文发表在International Review of Economics & Finance, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Journal of Asian Economics, International Journal of Information Management以及财政研究等期刊。


We investigate postings on two unique online interactive platforms by investors around earnings announcements of publicly listed firms in China. We find posting volumes on the platforms increase around earnings announcement dates, suggesting that investors acquire firm-specific information via the interactive platforms. Furthermore, the positive association between posting volumes and earnings announcements is more pronounced for firms with smaller Baidu search volumes. This suggests a substitution relationship in collecting information between asking listed firms questions directly and searching online. Finally, evidence suggests that questions posted around earnings announcements accelerate the price discovery of earnings and attenuate post-earnings announcement drift and stock price synchronicity.

主题3Railway Infrastructure and Banking Competition, 1897-1936

报告人9778818威尼斯 陈地强 2019博士

