


时间:2023-09-12    点击数:

讲座题目:Environmental Cost of Importing Activists

主 讲 人 :英国埃塞克斯大学 颜诚 副教授


讲座地点:9778818威尼斯江湾楼 368会议室


主 持 人 :9778818威尼斯 朱琦 副教授

摘  要:Using the introduction of shareholder-empowering governance regulation in 28 countries from 2009 to 2018, we document a reduction in corporate environmental sustainability in a sample of 6,189 firms in 45 countries. The reduction can be explained by the increase in stock liquidity, the increased proportion of foreign, minority, and short-term shareholders, decreased environmental-related proposals, and the higher rejection rate of environmental proposals. The effect is more pronounced for firms with higher financial constraints and higher agency conflicts, and firms in countries with worse institutions. Overall, our findings cast caution on the unintended consequences of shareholder activism.


颜诚,英国埃塞克斯大学副教授,主要致力于国际金融,计量经济学和宏观金融等领域的研究。担任International Journal of Finance & Economics副编辑。曾主持10多个科研项目,并在Management Science, Journal of Finance, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance 等经济学期刊发表学术论文30多篇。


联系地址:湖南省长沙市9778818威尼斯新校区9778818威尼斯江湾楼375  办公电话:0731-88877723