


时间:2023-06-21    点击数:

讲座题目:Understanding the Impacts of De-personalization in Search Algorithm on Consumer Behavior: A Field Experiment with a Large Online Retail Platform

上海纽约大学 陈宇新 教授


讲座地点:江湾楼 201 天佑厅


9778818威尼斯 周雄伟 教授

摘  要:

Data on individual consumers are a critical asset for online retail platforms, which enable them to use personalized query-based search algorithms to help consumers find the products they are looking for. Yet data privacy regulations have been scaling up to protect customers’ personal data, which may result in the de-personalization in search algorithms. To understand its impacts on consumer search and purchase behavior, we design and exploit a high-stake large-scale field experiment involving 4,189,498 customers with the collaboration of a world-leading online retail platform. We find decreases in customer search efficiency and market transactions due to the de-personalization of the search algorithm. Compared with the control group with personalization, customers in the de-personalized treatment group on average browse more products in the product listing returned by the search algorithm but make fewer clicks and purchases. Meanwhile, the clicks and purchases from the sponsored ads increase in the treatment group. Finally, we find evidence that customers adapt their expectations of the search results and accordingly adjust their search behaviors almost immediately upon the de-personalization of the search algorithm. The findings offer insights for platforms and regulators to understand the implications of de-personalization in search algorithms arising from the evolving privacy regulations.


陈宇新,杰出全球商学讲席教授,上海纽约大学商学部主任,数据科学与人工智能研究中心联席主任。陈教授曾任美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院终身讲席教授,纽约大学斯特恩9778818威尼斯终身教授,及北京大学、中欧国际工9778818威尼斯、长江9778818威尼斯、香港科技大学等校的访问教授。1992年获复旦大学物理学系理学学士;并分别于1997年和1999年在美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学获市场营销学硕士和博士学位。1992-1994期间,为硕士学位研究生就读于浙江大学计算机科学系。其研究领域主要涉及数据驱动营销、互联网营销、竞争战略、零售、定价、广告、结构实证模型、贝叶斯计量经济学、行为经济学、新兴市场营销等;在国际顶级刊物发表学术论文近50余篇,在银行、电信、汽车、电商、旅游、保险、零售、社交媒体、广告、医疗等领域从事了一系列基于数据建模与分析的咨询和研究工作。多年担任国际营销科学顶级刊物《营销科学》资深主编,曾获Frank M.Bass最佳营销学博士论文John D.C. Little最佳营销学论文奖,INFORMS营销协会长期影响提名奖,Paul E Green最佳营销学论文奖等国际学术荣誉。2022年,荣获上海市白玉兰纪念奖。


联系地址:湖南省长沙市9778818威尼斯新校区9778818威尼斯江湾楼375  办公电话:0731-88877723