


时间:2020-07-17    点击数:

讲座题目:Too Much on the Plate? How Executive Job Demands Harm Firm Innovation and Reduce Share of Exploratory Innovations

人 :美国亚利桑那州立大学 朱洪泉 教授






朱洪泉,美国亚利桑那州立大学凯瑞9778818威尼斯管理与创业系教授、院长委员会杰出学者、DBA项目学术主任、复旦大学管理学院特聘教授。他于2022年被选为中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)的副主席,目前担任组织与管理研究领域顶级期刊Organization Science的资深主编(Senior Editor)、中国管理研究领域顶级期刊Management and Organization Review 的副主编(Deputy Editor)、以及战略管理学学会(Strategic Management Society)战略领导力和公司治理方向的主席。朱教授从密歇根大学罗斯9778818威尼斯获得战略方向的博士学位后,以独著或第一作者的身份在国际顶级管理学期刊上发表过多篇著作。他的研究突破了战略管理研究以经济学为主导的传统,创造性地从社会心理学的视角论述和分析了高管人员的价值观、思维、个性、经验、社会网络以及群决策过程如何影响公司战略、公司治理、创新和创业、以及国际化和竞争优势。他的研究成果受国家自然科学基金重大项目资助,为德勤等咨询公司广泛借鉴,并被《哈佛商业评论》、《华尔街日报》、《福布斯》等美国媒体专题报道。 


Building on psychological research on job demands and executive job demands theory, we explain why executive job demands negatively influence a firm’s overall innovation and shift the balance of innovative activities towards a larger share of exploitative innovations at the expense of exploratory innovations, leading to a smaller share of innovations that are exploratory. In addition, we explain how variety in executives' gender, age, and tenure and an innovative climate weaken the negative effects of job demands on both overall innovation and share of exploratory innovations. In contrast, our theory suggests that a controlling climate and employees' education weaken the negative effect of job demands on overall innovation but exacerbate the negative effect of job demands on the share of exploratory innovations. Using surveys collected on-site from 243 Chinese firms, we find support for five of our 10 hypotheses and marginal support for three additional hypotheses, but no support for the two moderating effects of innovative climate. This study switches the attention of innovation scholars from executives’ cognitions and characteristics to the attributes of their job environment. It also develops executive job demands theory by examining its boundaries and applicability to the domain of innovation management.


联系地址:湖南省长沙市9778818威尼斯新校区9778818威尼斯江湾楼375  办公电话:0731-88877723